700 Inches

If this was the last storm cycle of the season, what a way to go out... It snowed a few inches a day for 8 straight days. Thursday we eclipsed 700 inches for the first time since 2011. Friday was another one of those classic deep pow days of which we've had so many of this year. It felt more like late January than late May. Hard to believe Meteorological Summer starts in 6 days. I made it a point to ride every day this past week. 9 days in a row, the last 7 in the backcountry, all pow days. My legs are shot and I injured my shoulder, but when it's this good this late you gotta go no matter what. This has been the best season of my life. I realized that all the way back on February 1st driving home from a massive day in the Oquirrhs. All of the storm cycles after that reaffirmed that. This past week cemented that. While 2011 will always be the gold standard for snowfall in a season (783"), 2019 will forever be the gold standard for the most fun I can have in a season. Plus I feel like it doesn't really matter how much snow you end up with once you reach 700 inches. That's such an absurd amount of snow that anything over that is just gravy. Looking ahead, there's another small storm rolling in early in the week. After that, who knows? Summer shredding will certainly be fun in June and July. The streak shouldn't be too difficult to maintain this year either. In the meantime, enjoy the photos from this week. And shout out to everyone I rode with this week! Thank you for not being over it yet!