It's been a while...
In case anyone is wondering, I am still doing things here at my blog. Work has been kicking my ass over the past couple months and has led to me neglecting basically everything else in my life that I actually enjoy doing. I plan on freshening things up around here in the coming weeks. That's the other reason for why I haven't been posting. I still need to post the rest of my photos from the Solomon Islands. I'm working out some kinks with some plugins first, though.
Shout out to my parents for surviving Hurricane Irma. Last week was pretty stressful wondering what the outcome would be. I'm very glad they are okay. However, it saddens me to see the devastation throughout the state, especially in the Keys. This was also the fourth time in 13 years that the town I grew up in has had a direct hit from a hurricane (Charley, Francis, and Jeanne in 2004). That's not a very good track record. Growing up we never worried about hurricanes hitting us because we were "inland." I call bullshit now though. And I'm sure many people back home would as well. I mean, Florida is only like 120 miles wide or so. So really at any given moment you are no more than 60 miles from the ocean.
I did manage to go up to Idaho for the Solar Eclipse last month. It was by far the coolest thing I have ever experienced in my life. I think everyone should experience being in the totality of one at least once in their lifetime. Even if it means traveling a pretty far distance. Nothing compares to it.
I also managed to keep my streak of consecutive months snowboarding alive. Last month, Zac, Andrew, and Tony joined me for Tourin' Tuesday on Mt. Timpanogos. And we were reminded why we only do that hike once a year. At least we had a lot more snow to make turns on this year. The snowfield still went from the top. I don't know what we will do for September. The clock is ticking, though. It looks like the Wasatch will get her first snow of the season Friday evening. Next week looks unsettled as well. Maybe we will get lucky and get a 12 inch dump so we can get turns without leaving Utah...or doing that slog of a hike up Timp again. I don't know...
This beer traveled a very long way to be a part of Tourin' Tuesday. Shout out to Fatboy's Resort in the Solomon Islands
It's finally starting to look like fall. The leaves are changing up high. The valley heat will finally be broken tomorrow night. Days are shorter. Nights are colder. The Absinthe Films premier is Friday...All signs that winter is getting closer! Can't wait!