Pic of the Day: April 11
I don't know about you, but I'm running out of memes to look at on the internet. Our photo tour continues today across the street in Little Cottonwood.
Homicide Chute

The 2018 Winter was far from memorable. For the 2nd time in 4 years, we failed to get 300" of snow. It was the 2nd worst snow year in the Wasatch. The irony was that it was one of the funnest springs I've had. We managed to ride some really cool lines in April and May.
This photo was from the last true pow day of the season. Me and Dillon decided to dawn patrol and tag Homicide Chute. The booter was already up Suicide from another group's dusk patrol mission but they left Homicide untouched.
Timing was everything this morning. There's a lot of south facing exposure above Homicide and the day was forecast to heat up pretty quick. Lucky for us, we were on top of it pretty quick and the chute was holding untracked blower pow. A few hours later a wet slide came down from above and ruined it for anyone else wanting to ride it.
Dillon hammered this turn and the shot turned out pretty cool. The views looking across the way lit up by the morning sun really make the shot. We truly have a special backyard here in Salt Lake.