Pic of the Day: April 16

Just another day here in Bizzaro World. I don't know about you, but some days I'll feel super productive and other days I'll feel like a total sack of shit. I don't think either is bad, to be honest. Most of us have a lot more downtime than ever before and it can be hard to balance getting work done and taking time for ourselves to just exist and cope with everything. Right now, it's just important to survive. There's no shame in doing absolutely nothing from time to time. If you are working right now, it's time for your daily distraction.

Morning Commute

Usually there will be a couple days a year where there is enough snow in town to tour right above the city. I've wanted to get a shot like this since seeing a photo of Santiago, Chile right after a record snowstorm hit there several years back. Like SLC, Santiago is surrounded by large mountains. No one was skiing in said photo, but it definitely would have been possible.

Back in February 2018 we finally had our chance to ride pow above the city. A cold storm dropped about 2 feet in town. Mike was willing to wake up at the crack of dawn to get up above the Capitol before sunrise (and before he had to be at work.) Strong winds the previous night had scoured the slope we were trying to ride, but there was just enough to still make this shot possible.

We had some fun turns back to our cars with just enough time for Mike to make the drive to the office. I ended up going home and going back to sleep for a few more hours. Shout out to Mike for being willing to wake up super early to try and get a shot that very well could've not worked out, all before going to work for a full day. I'd like to go back and do this one again someday with better snow conditions. Bench tours are a crapshoot though. You never really know if it will be good or not. But when it is good, the turns end up being some of the most memorable of the season.