Pic of the Day: April 23
I finished my front yard makeover yesterday. It took 127 bags of rock to make the transformation. Now I just need to find a way to get rid of all the old mulch occupying various spots on my driveway. If you're in Salt Lake, drive by and check it out. Maybe even buy a photo from my online store if you feel so inclined (https://pfisterpfoto.com). We could all use some pretty photos to freshen up our walls while we're stuck at home.
Winging it in the Wallowas

We ended up in the Wallowas by chance. Our planned 2 week road trip up to the Pacific Northwest was changing by the minute due to the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. Cases were popping up in Seattle, so we decided against going to Baker. The situation seemed better in Oregon, but we decided we should still stay away from Bend. While on a tour in Idaho, we looked west and saw some really big mountains. Mike looked at a map and determined they were the Wallowas.
We decided to head there, not knowing what we'd find. After navigating the backroads of eastern Oregon, we arrived in the sleepy town of Joseph well after the sun went down. The next morning we awoke to the raddest mountain range we could've ever hoped to stumble upon.
We had very little information to go off of, but we had just enough to get us going in the right direction. We started walking...and walking...and walking... I think we ended up skinning around 10 miles that first day. No clear objectives, other than getting on top of something cool.
In this photo, Mike is dropping in on our first run in the Wallowas. After these initial turns, we dropped north into a wide open bowl holding pow. We followed that drainage all the way back to the trail through a natural halfpipe with tons of fun little side hits. It was smooth sailing all the way back to the car.
We really nailed it on this trip. Each day we would just wake up and find a spot on a map to try and go snowboarding at. Not having a plan was the only way to go with the ever changing circumstances from the growing pandemic concerns. After a few days in the Wallowas, we cut our trip short and headed home. Then the world pretty much ended.