Season in Review: January

Last month: January got off to a great start, continuing the pattern of big storms we had seen for most of December. On the 3rd of the month, Tony went on his first tour just over a month after breaking his back. It was impressive how fast he recovered from injury. Excitement levels began to go up for our Japan trip knowing he would be able to ride. We departed for the Far East on the 11th. I was really glad to be returning to Japan for the second consecutive season. I think Japan is a really special place. The culture is incredible. The snow is the best in the world. The sun was out for the majority of the two weeks we had on Hokkaido. A bit of an oddity for January, but the bitter cold temperatures helped preserve the pow. Meanwhile, back home in Utah it was dumping. Although judging by pictures and messages from friends, dumping was an understatement. The Wasatch was now a lock for a great season. A very welcome change of pace from the previous five years. We spent one more week in Hakuba before heading home. The Japanese Alps are incredible. There were massive spine walls in almost every direction, most of which are virtually unrideable due to the massive terrain traps at the bottom. Everything ends in a deep gully. It would be awesome to go back someday and ride them, but conditions would have to be perfect in order for those lines to happen. We got back to Salt Lake late on the 30th. We returned home to a deep snowpack and high hopes for a great February.