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The Season in Photos: Part II
Picking up where we left off....
By the time March rolled around, it was pretty obvious this was a special season. Winter kept rolling as spring began. Just when it seemed like conditions couldn't possibly get any better, another massive storm would arrive in the Wasatch. The storm cycles kept rolling all the way through May. Memorial Day weekend was spent riding blower pow. At that point, the storm door finally closed and summer weather began to show up. Touring conditions were still phenomenal throughout the month of June. For most, the season came to a close on 4th of July at Snowbird. However, if you've been following along, you know the season doesn't end for me till September.
Currently the streak sits safely at 45 months. August turns shouldn't be too difficult this year once I'm back from Chuuk Lagoon. September is always a wildcard. Then the cycle begins again. If everything goes well, October will mark 4 years of snowboarding year round. With it, the hopes for another incredible season. A new story to be written. And some champagne to celebrate.
Part II: March-July
As always, if you made it this far, thanks for scrolling. This season was truly remarkable. Next up: Chuuk Lagoon.