The Year in Pictures: 2020

Despite everything that was bad, there still were some happy memories. A lot of these photos were taken before the pandemic. If you were following along before I abandoned this blog, you've definitely seen most of these already. I think as the year progressed, the fewer photos I took. That's not to say I stopped going on small adventures close to home.

In fact, there were some pretty fond memories this summer and fall. That's not to say 2020 was a good year, it definitely wasn't. Maybe that makes the good memories all the more special.

Before I share the photos, there are some people I want to thank. First, my parents for their continued love and support. My sister for helping with Pfister Pfoto. Mike for being like a brother to me. Tony for keeping me motivated to continue our streak of turns all year going. Catie for becoming one of my best friends, and for always coming to the rescue when I had trouble with the Millennium Falcon. Brook and Danny for always welcoming me into their home and treating me like family. Jenny for being my yoga buddy and spiritual life coach. Jack and Donna for always coming over to talk in the evenings on the front porch, keeping me sane through the darker moments of the year. Tanner for helping me transform the backyard into the coolest space in the neighborhood. Everyone at Chimera for liking and genuinely appreciating the photos I take. All the dogs I got to pet or play with, especially Phoebe, Harley, Ollie, and Sabaku. And finally, anyone who's read this blog or supported Pfister Pfoto this year.

To all of my friends and family, I love you.

Happy New Year.