Category_Splitboarding ·
Category_Week in Review ·
Oquirrh Mountains ·
photography ·
splitboarding ·
Utah ·
Wasatch ·
Victory Beers
If this is our "dry spell" this season, I'm totally ok with that. The days this week really felt like they ran together, but in a good way. It seemed like we got a good refresher storm every other day or so. Then the ultimate sleeper storm rolled in Sunday night. 3-5 inches in the forecast blew up into 12-15. Riding conditions are all time. The snowpack is gaining strength. There's another cold storm on tap for early next week. Everything is pointing toward February being a big month. Probably not as bad idea to keep a six pack on hand. That way if you need motivation on some far flung ridgeline you know you at least have a few cold ones waiting for you at the bottom.