Week in Review: February Thaw

Temperatures well above normal have plagued the Wasatch for the past week. Rain fell as high as 9500 feet at times. Early in the week, a small storm moved through the area, giving us a much needed reset after a prolonged period of high pressure. Another storm arrived Friday, giving the Central Wasatch around 18 inches of fresh. Monday was the only day I had time to tour last week. I guess I'm still playing catch up after three weeks in Japan. With a storm set to move in late in the day, Tanner Crow, Chase Newton, and myself decided to give Benson and Hedges Couloir another go. This was my third attempt at getting this particular line this season. The previous two times we were shut down due to time constraints and weather. There was once again a chance of being denied this line thanks to the impending storm. We were comfortable with stability on the west facing line and had just enough of a window before the storm to get B&H as well as the rather spicy chute lookers left of it. Benson-Hedges-Wasatch-Mountains-Utah Chase-Newton-Patrick-Pfister-Wasatch-Mountains-Utah I definitely pushed beyond my comfort zone a bit on that one. The crux of the line consisted of an ice bulge in a choke less than a board's length wide. I think riding chutes like this is more psychological than anything else. I've ridden steep lines before. I've straightlined lines before. Sometimes you doubt yourself when you have those rock walls close to you. It comes down to being able to overcome those negative thoughts and do what you've done thousands of times. I definitely could have rode that line cleaner than what I did. If I get another chance at it I will. In the meantime I'll take solace in making it down one of the heavier lines I've been on this season. Benson and Hedges was super mellow in comparison. It took much less effort to boot up it and ride down it. We also scored pow in it, which made it even better. It was a great day of touring in the Wasatch. Reed-and-Benson-Ridge.Wasatch-Mountains.-Utah It looks like we're entering another period of high pressure. That means more big days in the backcountry are on the horizon.